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Ecomuseum Val Taleggio

Formaggi Valtaleggio
ecomuseo val taleggio
Ecomuseum Val Taleggio. Where life is on display

An open-air museum where the works of art are constituted by the landscape and the people, by the material and cultural heritage of the valley. Through the activities of the Ecomuseum, you can discover the world of the farmhands, witness their activities that have been handed down from generation to generation, visit the places they lived and worked in. In their own voices you can listen to their stories – their lives, their experiences and the knowledge that led to the birth of Strachítunt and Taleggio.

“The Ecomuseum is: a territory, a population, a heritage.”
Hugues de Varine

Tra passato e futuro

In the ecomuseum stations, three theatrical video installations illustrate the processing, production and aging of cheese. You can also download an application that accompanies visitors through the heart of the landscape with a digital representation of the five ecomuseum itineraries: la Via del Taleggio e dello Strachítunt (Way of Taleggio and Strachítunt), la Via delle Baite tipiche e delle Dimore rurali (the Way of local cabins and rural houses), la Via del Paesaggio Sacro e della Storia (the Way of sacred landscape and history), la Via degli Ecosistemi (the Way of ecosystems) and la Via degli Alpeggiatori (the Way of the Alpine mountaineers).

Formaggi Valtaleggio