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Smell, touch and taste

The full flavour of Taleggio Valley

The rind is thin and furrowed, sometimes flowery, and of a yellowish colour which tends towards grey later in the season. The paste is compact, marbled and softer in the streaked, straw-coloured subcrust which can sometimes be creamy due to the layering effect of the two curds.
The aroma is characteristic of blue-veined cheeses, with notes that are slightly lactic at first, then take on more metallic notes. The taste is aromatic and intense, ranging from sweet to spicy depending on the degree of aging; the cheese is fragrant, soft and has a pleasant vegetal aftertaste.

Nature’s own alchemy

The taste of the milk is partly determined by the mineralized waters and the carbonate rocks of the Taleggio Valley that host a wide variety of botanical species. The cows are fed mainly on grasses and fodder from the area and the raw milk is processed directly in the mountain by the farmers and by the cheese maker of the local cooperative. As a result, the marbling, which is strongly influenced by the fungal strains naturally present in the milk and in the maturing environment, is optimal.

Strachítunt is full of the flavour of the grass, air and water of the valley. This excellent dairy product also evokes the landscape of pastures and typical stables of the area.